“One of Britain’s best and boldest devising companies”
Filter originated as a contemporary deviser of new pieces. FASTER premiered at the Battersea Arts Centre in 2003, playing The Soho Theatre, Lyric Hammersmith, touring the UK, Germany and New York. WATER, directed by David Farr for The Lyric Hammersmith in 2007, was revived for the Tricycle, the Sydney Theatre Company and New York’s Next Wave Festival, BAM. SILENCE, commissioned and produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company, premiered in May 2011 at Hampstead Theatre.
Filter has produced several interpretations of classic texts: Brecht’s CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE for the National Theatre (2006); Shakespeare’s TWELFTH NIGHT for the RSC and The Tricycle Theatre (2007); Chekhov’s THREE SISTERS for the Lyric Hammersmith (2010); Shakespeare’s A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM for a UK Tour and Lyric Hammersmith/Manchester Royal Exchange (2012); and MACBETH (Tobacco Factory Theatres, London Vaults and UK Tour, 2015). Each project aspired to pin-point the very heart of the plays by uncovering the light and darkness of the language and the lyricism of the text.
In 2015 Filter's production of TWELFTH NIGHT undertook a 21 week tour of India, USA and UK. Our co-production of A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM with the Lyric Hammersmith was seen in Brisbane and Dublin in 2016, and TWELFTH NIGHT returned to the USA in March 2017 for performances in Los Angeles and Berkeley. In 2018 we undertook a UK national tour of A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM.
There is an exciting new collaboration in the making for 2024/2025. Watch this space!
All Filter’s work tours the UK, Europe and beyond, reaching a wide and diverse audience, young and old.
Artistic Directors: Oliver Dimsdale, Tim Phillips, Ferdy Roberts
Artistic Associates: Jonathan Broadbent, Tom Haines, Gemma Saunders, Victoria Moseley
Producer: Peter Holland
Finance Manager: Daniel Morgenstern